Paleo On The Go

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Update and my due date is coming.

I will be rechecking my cholesterol levels next week so I hope it has decreased overall.  It will be done at Walgreens because I'm not going to bother having my doctor take it again.

Anyway, Diet Coke will be leaving my diet for good, starting tomorrow.  I'm going cold turkey, that's right, no more Coke and diet Pepsi.  It's going to be hard but it will be better for my health. Decreasing my cholesterol levels was easy but I am addicted to fountain diet Pepsi/Coke.  I drink about two 16 ounces a day.  I'm replacing it with decaf tea, hot chocolate, V8 and water.  Water consumption in my present diet is good, but I think I will be adding lemons and cucumbers to my water to make it more interesting.

I looked up the following information about breaking a bad habit:

  • Tell all your family, friends and co-workers what you are trying to achieve.  It will force you to stick with your plan.  You don't want to be embarrassed sneaking a drink in front of them.  Your friends and family members may also offer some encouragement to help you stick to your goal.
  • You want to replace it with a good habit.  In this case, I will drink more water, decaffeinated tea, hot chocolate instead.  I drink water already but I need something other than that to help me, especially in the morning.
  • Make it a policy in your life, no exceptions.  I told my husband what I am doing and he has been my greatest critic on my drinking problem.  Today he told me, "You don't have go that crazy, just drink it once a week".  I feel if I do that, I will go back to my 2 to 3 fountain drinks a day habit.  Once you decide to change, don't let anyone or anything make you return to it.  Stand by your decision.
  • Know that it will be difficult at first but push past your initial discomfort.  Getting rid of a long-time habit is always hard but it does get easier over time.  Start with a kick-off and document each day on how you are doing.  Once you reach 7 days, give yourself a pat on the back about achieving your goal, so far.  Before you know it, 30 days would have passed since you decided to break your bad habit.

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